iPhone UK launch wasn’t the marketing triumph many expected. Further thoughts to come but let me point you to a few interesting articles:
- iPhone Crowds? Don’t believe the hype! – pics of the stores on launch day – not exactly packed are they
- Tumbleweeds outnumber punters, as iPhone's First Night flops - http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/11/11/iphone_uk_flop/ - Summary from the ever great Register
- Confession: In London we had to hire actors to form an iPhone queue outside our store – From the Fake Steve Jobs!
From personal experience, there's certainly no supply side issues with plenty of stock available but is this actually a good thing for leading edge technology? Is categorising the iPhone as "leading edge" even appropriate?
For all the bad press (and there has been plenty), I'd trade in my p990 in a heartbeat for one if it was financially viable.